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Research Team

Core Faculty

  • Jennifer Byrd-Craven, Ph.D., Professor, Psychology, Oklahoma State University, and OCEAN Co-Founding Member and Director—Psychobiology, Developmental Psychology, Parenting, Bonding, Hormones and Behavior, Female Sociality
  • Juliana French, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Psychology, Oklahoma State University—Biopsychology, Behavioral endocrinology, Hormones, Romantic Relationships, Marriage, Social Psychology
  • Jaimie Krems, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Psychology, UCLA, and OCEAN Co-Founding Member—Social psychology, Friendship, Women's Cooperation + Compeititon, Stereotyping + Prejudice
  • Daniel Sznycer, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Psychology, Oklahoma State University—Social Psychology, Evolutionary Psychology, Emotion, Valuation, Morality, Law/Institutions
  • Mary Towner, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Integrative Biology Oklahoma State University—Human Behavioral Ecology


Affiliated Faculty and External Advisors

  • Charles Abramson, Ph.D., Regents Professor, Psychology, Oklahoma State University
  • Josh Ackerman, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Psychology, University of Michigan
  • Mark Flinn, Ph.D., Professor, Anthropology, Baylor University
  • Maryanne Fisher, Ph.D., Professor, Psychology, Saint Mary's University
  • Jennifer Grindstaff, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Integrative Biology, Oklahoma State University
  • Shelia Kennison, Ph.D., Professor, Psychology, Oklahoma State University
  • Douglas Kenrick, Ph.D., President's Professor, Psychology, Arizona State University
  • Eric Russell, Ph.D., Research Lead, Trust & Safety, Airbnb
  • Shawn Wilder, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Integrative Biology, Oklahoma State University
  • Anne Wertz, Ph.D., Leader, Naturalistic Social Cognition Research Group, Max Planck


Graduate Students

  • Vidhi Bansal, Psychology-Experimental, is a second-year graduate student and co-project manager for the OKState Marriage Project. Vidhi's research interests center on examining the intersectionality between attraction and romantic relationships, specifically looking at the role of perceived attractiveness in mate acquisition and retention. Additionally, they are interested in examining environmental mismatches, such as how psychological mechanisms involved in singlehood are mismatched to modern-day technology and media. In their free time, they enjoy watching tv, listening to music, or reading fiction books.
  • Krystal Duarte, Psychology-Experimental, Krystal is a third-year graduate student and McNair Scholar at Oklahoma State University, working with Dr. Jennifer Byrd-Craven and Dr. Krems. Krystal has previously worked on projects investigating romantic infatuation and flirting. Her interests involve understanding the challenges that women face in navigating sex/gender-typical aspects of competition and how women navigate these challenges.
  • Laureon Merrie, Psychology-Experimental, is a fifth-year graduate student at Oklahoma State University. Her interests are in female sociality—and particularly in pairing both feminist and evolutionary perspectives to explore overlooked aspects of women's behavior. Given the importance of information sharing (e.g., secrets, gossip) in women's social relationships, Laureon's recent work has also focused on understanding the rules governing when we share information and how the sharing of privileged information is perceived.
  • Devanshi Patel, Psychology-Clinical, is a doctoral candidate and graduate student in the Clinical program at Oklahoma State University. Her current research explores social perceptions of parenting and investigates stigma toward parents. Devanshi's thesis examines whether—and why—parents of children with "obesity" are stigmatized, and her future work will take intersectional approaches to understanding the role that body shape—along with target identity features (e.g., gender, race)—play in related weight stigma. 
  • Nina Rodriguez, Psychology-Experimental
  • Tori Short, Psychology-Experimental, is a fourth-year graduate student at Oklahoma State University, working with Dr. Jennifer Byrd-Craven and Dr. Krems. Her research utilizes approaches from developmental, evolutionary, and social psychology to examine the biological processes and behavioral strategies of female competition and health maintenance. Considering the growing focus on positive reframing and self-image within society, Tori’s most recent work focuses on exploring how self-esteem may differentially cue mate- and friendship-value
  • Victoria Spooner, Psychology-Experimental
  • Yunseo (Nike) Wee, Psychology-Experimental, is a second-year graduate student working at Oklahoma State University working with Dr. Daniel Sznycer and Dr. Krems. She is interested in issues of (a) value (e.g., how do people come to value things and other people) and (b) social processes surrounding information (e.g., what cognitive architecture regulates how people share information).

Research Team Alumni

Core and affiliated graduate students who spent time in the OCEAN:

  • Jarrod Bock, 2020
  • Nikki Clauss, 2019
  • Kristen Frosio, Clinical, 2020
  • Ray Garza, 2021
  • Erin Harrington, 2021
  • Emily Keison, 2019
  • Erin Wood, 2021