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Frederick Payne Watts

Born: 1904 in Staunton, Virginia
Died: 2007


  • 1926 Bachelors degree in French and Psychology from Howard University
  • Master’s Degree from Howard University
  • 1941 Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania 


  • 1928 After teaching briefly at Kittrell College in North Carolina he returned to Howard to teach.
    1941 First Black person to receive a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania.
  • 1942 Called to serve in the army as a pre-induction classification officer and personnel consultant during World War II, setting up psychological testing facilities for the Baltimore induction station and supervising the assignment and counseling of enlisted personnel in various military installations.
  • 1945 Upon his discharge as a captain in the Adjutant General’s department, he was appointed assistant chief clinical psychologist for the Veterans Administration regional office in Philadelphia.
  • 1948 Returned to Howard to establish the Liberal Arts Counseling Service, which later came to encompass the total student body (renamed the University Counseling Service)
    1949 director of the University Counseling Service and taught psychology part-time at Howard until his retirement in 1970.


  • Diplomate in Clinical Psychology (ABEPP)


  • Delinquents
  • Counseling
  • Clinical psychology
  • Vision 

Selected Works and Publications

  • Rivalry Between Uniocular Negative After Images and the Vision of the Other Eye” with Francis Sumner.
  • A Comparative and Clinical Study of Delinquent and Non-Delinquent Negro Boys”
  • Initial Group Counseling of Freshmen”
  • A Study of the College Environment”
  • The Development of a Behavior Judgment Scale”
  • Developmental Counseling”