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Mantaro Kido

Born: July 1st, 1893 in Matsuyama, Ehime prefecture
Died: November 18th, 1985


  • 1916 Graduated from the Department of Philosophy, College of Letters, Tokyo Imperial University—His academic dissertation was “Sho no shinrigakuteki kenkyu (Psychological research of Calligraphy)”—He didn’t earn bachelor because he attended classes as elective courses


  • 1916 Assistant at psychological class, Tokyo Imperial University
  • 1922-1924 Entered University of Leipnizing with his own expenses
  • 1924 Professor at Department of Law and Literature, Hosei University
  • 1927-1939 Continuing at Hosei University, he also worked as instructor at Tokyo Imperial university
  • 1936 Continuing tat Hosei University, he worked as director at experimental school for children with mental deficiency “Kogenei Gakuen.”
  • 1939 Manager at department of instructor for higher normal school and director at department of Letters, Hosei University
  • 1940-1942 Sub director at department of Letters, Hosei University
  • 1940-1941 Sub director at Division of Liaison, Taiseiyokusankai
  • 1941 Director at National Life Academy Foundation and director at life science center attached the foundation
  • 1944 Arrested and jailed because of Kyokaken affair
  • 1944 Forced to retire professor from Hosei University
  • 1945 Staff at National Institute of Educational Research
  • 1946 Director at National Institute of Educational Research
  • 1946 Member at Committee of Education
  • 1947 Became professor at Tokyo Bunrika University (Tokyo Literature and Science University); he resigned because of teaching eligibility probation
  • 1948 Committee at Council of Center Child Welfare
  • 1951 Professor at Kogakuin University
  • 1951 Director at Department of Education, Hokkaido University
  • 1957 Retired Professor at Hokkaido University
  • 1957 Professor at Department of Letters, Chuo University
  • 1959 Professor at Toyo University continuing professor of teaching course at Kogakuin University
  • 1963 President at Hokkaido University of Arts and Sciences (Now Hokkaido University of Education)
  • 1967 Retired President at Hokkaido University of Arts and Sciences
  • 1967 Professor at Hokusei gakuen University
  • 1971 Director at Zaidan hojin bunmin kyoiku kyokai and Kodomo no bunka kenkyujo (Civilian Educational Associational Foundation and Child Cultural Center)
  • 1973 Principal at Seisoku High School


  • He contributed to the establishment of the Japanese Psychological Association.
  • He founded the psychological laboratory at Hosei University.
  • He made Barth library after buying Barth’s books from Ms. Barth when he studied in Leipzig.
  • When he was the second director at Japanese Association of Educational Psychology, he founded the Kido subsidy. 


  • 1933 Advisor at the Japanese Society for Animal Psychology
  • 1968 Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon
  • 1963 President at the Japanese Association of Clinical Psychology
  • 1957 Director at Japanese Association of Educational Psychology
  • 1957 Honorary professor at Hokkaido University 


  • Educational psychology
  • Cultural psychology
  • History of psychology


  • Hiroshi Oizumi (2003). Nihonshinrigakusha-jiten. Tokyo: Kabushiki Kaisha Kress Shuppan.
  • Tatsuya Sato. (2003). Niho ni okeru shinrigaku no jyuyo to tenaki. Kitaoji shuppan.
  • Tatsuya Sato, Hazime Mizoguchi, (1997). Tsushi Nihon-no-shinrigaku. Kyoto: Kitaoji Shobo.