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Shigemi Kirihara

Born: November 10th, 1892 in Yatugi village, Asa county, Hiroshima prefecture
Died: March 12th, 1968


  • Doctor of Literature (1931) Tokyo Imperial University—His academic dissertation was “Sagyo ni kansuru shinrigakuteki kenkyu (Psychological research for work. Especially, Industrial work)”
  • B.A (1919) Department of Philosophy, College of Letters, Tokyo Imperial University (Major psychology)—His academic dissertation was “Kyojyutsu ni kansuru kenyu(Research of declaration)”


  • 1920 Researcher at Kurashiki Institute for Science of Labor after he joined the establishment of Kurashiki Institute for Science of Labor
  • 1933 Went to the U.S and Europe to study industrial psychology in many institutes at many universities
  • 1937 Researcher at Japan institute for science of labor
  • 1942 Director of public welfare at Taisei yokusankai
  • 1951-1961 Director at Institute for Science of Labor
  • 1958-1965 Managing director at Institute for Science of Labor and Professor at Japan Women’s University
  • 1964 Part time employee at Institute for Science of Labor


  • Shegemi Kirihara contributed to industrial psychology. His attitude of researches was against efficiency psychology, to disclose the influence of labor and environment to workwomen at a factory, and to charge a stern treatment to workwomen. His opinion of his researches are establishment of the identity and independence of worker, prohibition of women’s late-night work, protection of maternity, and incensement of minimum age for employment.


  • 1968 Established Kiribara Award
  • 1965 Order of the Sacred treasure, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon
  • 1965 Honorary member at Japanese Psychological Association
  • 1960 President at Nihon Sangyo Kyoiku Gakkai (Japanese Association of Industrial Education)
  • 1953 President at Nihon ginou yousei kyoukai (Japan Association of Skill Training)
  • 1938 Director, inspector, and honorary member at Japan Institute for Science and Labor
  • Honorary member of International Association of Applied Psychology
  • Honorary member at Nihon Jidou Gakkai (Japan Children Association)


  • Industrial Psychology
  • Labor science


  • Hiroshi Oizumi (2003). Nihonshinrigakusha-jiten. Tokyo: Kabushiki Kaisha Kress Shuppan.