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Kanichi Tanaka

Born: January 20th, 1882 in Higashikubota, Akasaka street, Akaiwa county, Okayama prefecture
Died: November 12th, 1962


  • Doctor of Literature (1919) Tokyo Imperial University—His academic dissertation was “Shinteki sadou ni kansuru jikkenteki kenkyu (Experimental Research of Metal behavior)”
  • Completed Graduate school at Tokyo Imperial University (1918)
  • B.A (1913) Department of Philosophy, College of Letters, Kyoto Imperial University (Major Psychology)—His academic dissertation was “Seishin sagyo ni kansuru jikkenteki kenkyu (Experimental Research of Mental Work)”


  • 1916-1945 Instructor at Nihon University
  • 1917 Part time employee for Kanebo
  • 1918-1919 Instructor at Tokyo higher normal school
  • 1919-1945 Advisor at Office of Experimental Psychological Research, Navy Technology Laboratory
  • 1920-1933 Part time employee at Aeronautic psychology laboratory of Tokyo Imperial University
  • 1921-1943 Part time employee at Ministry of Correspondence
  • 1922-1924 Went to Europe as overseas researcher of Ministry of Education; he studied in Law pressure laboratory at University of Oxford
  • 1927 Established Japan Occupational Guidance Association and became the President
  • 1929-1944 Professor at Tokyo Bunrika University (Tokyo Letters and Science University)
  • 1931-1937 Member of Occupation Census Commission in Ministry of Education
  • 1936-1944 Director of educational counseling at Tokyo Bunrika University (Tokyo Letters and Science University)
  • 1937-1938 Business trip to the U.S. where he examined the intelligence and personality of races in the U.S.
  • 1941-1942 Part time employee at Nakajima Aircraft Industry
  • 1942-1944 Member of census council for book as text book in Ministry of Education
  • 1943-1944 Part time employee of Nishina Industrial Company
  • 1945 Retired Tokyo Bunrika University (Tokyo Letters and Science University)
  • 1945-1957 Professor at Nihon University
  • 1947-1950 President at Tamagawa Gakuen Education
  • 1948 Director of Tanaka Educational Institute
  • 1957 Assistant of President at Shiraume Gakuen Junior College


  • His main contributions were to mental fatigue and work, educational tests and the research of intelligence.
  • He created many intelligence tests such as Tanaka B version intelligence scale, Tanaka Binet Intelligence scale, and so on.
  • He contributed to establish the educational counseling office at Tokyo Bunrika University, and the office is the first one attached national universities in Japan.
  • He also founded psychological laboratory at Tokyo Bunrika University. 


  • 1962 Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star
  • 1960 Honorary member at Japanese Psychological Association
  • 1960 Award for Person of Cultural Merit
  • 1957 Medal with Purple Ribbon Amethyst
  • 1955 Honorary member at Japan Association of Applied Psychology
  • 1945 Honorary professor at Tokyo Bunrika University (Tokyo Letters and Science University)
  • 1942 Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold and Silver Star


  • Human engineering
  • Educational psychology
  • Educational measurement
  • Intelligence tests 


  • Hiroshi Oizumi (2003). Nihonshinrigakusha-jiten. Tokyo: Kabushiki Kaisha Kress Shuppan.
  • Tatsuya Sato, Hazime Mizoguchi, (1997). Tsushi Nihon-no-shinrigaku. Kyoto: Kitaoji Shobo.
  • Nihon no shinrigaku kanko iinkai. (1982).Nihon no shinrigaku. Tokyo: Nihon bunka kagaku sha.