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Eden NayEden Nay's headshot

Graduate Teaching Associate

Curriculum Vitae


Eden Nay (they/them) is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Sociology. They focus on potential applications of queer/crip theories to social science, specifically critical social theory and quantitative research. With their background in social work, Eden holds strong justice- and community-orientations in their academic practice—from teaching to researching to writing.

  • B.A. in Family Studies & Social Services with emphasis in Social Work, College of the Ozarks, 2017
  • Master of Social Work (MSW) with concentration in Administration & Community Practice, University of Oklahoma, 2019
  • M.S. in Sociology, Oklahoma State University, 2021

Research Interests
  • Queer Disability Studies
  • Mental Health & Illness
  • Anti-Carceral Studies
  • Critical Quantitative Methods