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College can be expensive,

but Oklahoma State University is dedicated to making your education as affordable as possible.

As a continuing or readmitted student, you will automatically be considered for general university scholarships; no separate application is required.There are also many great scholarships awarded to continuing students through Oklahoma State University's colleges and departments that may require an additional application. For more information on the scholarships offered through The Department of Sociology see our applications and information below.

Pistol Pete

O.D. Duncan Award(1 award per year)

Eligible applicants must:

  • Major in one of the majors under The Department of Sociology
  • Hold a 3.5 GPA or higher
  • Preferably be a senior
  • Be an outstanding scholar who represents the discipline

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Mabel Dixon Looper Scholarship(1 award per year)

Eligible applicants must:

  • Major in one of the majors under The Department of Sociology
  • Be an in-state resident
  • Hold a 3.25 GPA or higher
  • Have Sophomore standing
  • Preference given to females

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Richard Dodder Scholarship(1 award per year)

Eligible applicants must:

  • Major in one of the majors under The Department of Sociology
  • Be experienced in the use of sociology in areas like internship, research, volunteer work, campus involvement, etc.

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Benjamin Gregory Wood Scholarship(1 award per year)

Eligible applicants must:

  • Major in one of the majors under The Department of Sociology
  • Have Sophomore standing
  • Be studying, or have plans to pursue a career in, some substance abuse related area

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Outstanding Senior Award(1 award per year)

Eligible applicants must:

  • Major in one of the majors under The Department of Sociology
  • Be a senior who has demonstrated outstanding scholarship and use of sociology
  • Hold a 3.5 GPA or higher

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Scholarship Application

The Application:


  • Check the box for EACH award you wish to be considered for
  • Be sure you attach your CV/resume
  • Benjamin Gregory Wood applicants must include essay

Click Here For Application