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About the Journal

The Sociological Quarterly (TSQ) is an international, peer-reviewed journal publishing high-quality, original research.
TSQ is devoted to publishing cutting-edge scholarship in all areas of sociological inquiry. We look for articles that advance the discipline and reach the widest possible audience. Our focus is on publishing the best theoretical, methodological and empirical (qualitative and quantitative) sociology. Since 1960, the contributors, peer-reviewers, advisory editors, and readers of TSQ have made it one of the leading generalist journals in the field. TSQ is published by the Midwest Sociological Society and Taylor & Francis.


About the Midwest Sociological Society (MSS)

The Midwest Sociological Society (MSS) is a nonprofit, regional, professional society dedicated to building community among sociologists and to advancing sociological knowledge, teaching, and practice for social scientific purposes and social betterment. Founded in 1936, MSS is a professional organization of academic and applied sociologists as well as students of the discipline. Nearly 1300 scholars, students and practicing sociologists in universities, government and business belong to the organization. Known for its accessible but rigorous meetings, the MSS encompasses nine states – Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska, Minnesota, Kansas, South Dakota and North Dakota. However, more than one-third of the members are from other parts of the nation and the world.


Each year, the MSS publishes approximately 70 scholarly articles in TSQ. Articles cover the entire spectrum of sociological research and inquiry. TSQ is currently edited by Michael A. Long, Andrew S. Cameron-Fullerton (co-editors), and Jonathan S. Coley (deputy editor), in the Department of Sociology at Oklahoma State University. More information about the journal and its current editorial team are provided below. You also may learn more about the Midwest Sociological Society, or steps to publishing in The Sociological Quarterly, by following the links provided at the bottom of this page.

Meet the Editors

The TSQ Editors, Dr. Fullerton, Dr. Coley, Dr. Long and Jericho McElroy

What is your vision for The Sociological Quarterly?

We are committed to publishing theoretically sophisticated and methodologically rigorous articles that span the discipline of sociology. We welcome submissions that analyze quantitative and/or qualitative data or that are primarily theoretical or methodological in scope. Building on the work of the previous editors, we will be working to further increase the international reputation of TSQ, including by encouraging submissions from scholars working outside the United States. We will also be focused on providing authors with thorough reviews in a timely manner.

Scholars who publish in TSQ will benefit from some new steps we are taking to promote articles published in the journal. For example, we are launching a Twitter account (@socquarterly) that will alert followers to new articles published in the journal and draw notice to articles that are referenced in the media. Twitter has become a vibrant forum for academic sociologists, and we believe that this new Twitter account will increase the impact of articles published in the journal. Additionally, we will be working with authors of all accepted manuscripts to help them publicize their work in the media. Overall, we look forward to our work in the years ahead, and we certainly encourage readers to submit their best work to TSQ.

Andrew S. Fullerton

Co-Editor, received his Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Connecticut and is a Professor of Sociology at Oklahoma State University. He has published a book on regression models for ordinal outcomes with Chapman & Hall/CRC press and over 30 articles primarily in the areas of work, stratification, and quantitative methods.

Michael A. Long

Co-Editor, received his Ph.D. in Sociology from Colorado State University and is an Associate Professor of Sociology at Oklahoma State University. He has published four books and over 70 articles and book chapters primarily in the areas of environmental sociology, green criminology, food insecurity, and quantitative methodology.

Jonathan S. Coley

Deputy Editor, received his Ph.D. in Sociology from Vanderbilt University and is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at Oklahoma State University. His research focuses on social movements, politics, religion, gender and sexuality, and race and ethnicity. His first book, Gay on God’s Campus: Mobilizing for LGBT Equality at Christian Colleges and Universities, was published by the University of North Carolina Press in 2018.

Jericho R. McElroy

Managing Editor, is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Sociology at Oklahoma State University. His research generally focuses on crime and deviance and social inequality with interests that include social, economic, and political dynamics of gun legislation and gun culture, inequality in the criminal justice system, and college students’ substance misuse.

Notes and Links

As a generalist journal, The Sociological Quarterly welcomes submissions on all topics of interest to a broad sociological audience, including new theoretical developments, research results that advance fundamental understanding of social processes, and methodological innovation. Please note that this journal only publishes manuscripts in English. The Sociological Quarterly accepts the following types of article: original articles.
The Midwest Sociological Society Webpage The Sociological Quarterly at Taylor & Francis Online Journal Homepage
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Peer Review and Ethics

Taylor & Francis is committed to peer-review integrity and upholding the highest standards of review. Once your paper has been assessed for suitability by the editor, it will then be double blind peer reviewed by independent, anonymous expert referees. Find out more about what to expect during peer review and read our guidance on publishing ethics.

For more TSQ-specific questions or concerns, please visit: TSQ Instructions for Authors.

This journal uses ScholarOne Manuscripts (previously Manuscript Central) to peer review manuscript submissions. For more information on publishing with Taylor & Francis, please visit: Using ScholarOne Manuscripts.