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Welcome Week Activities

During this year’s Welcome Week, the CAS Prospective Student Center hosted three fun, exciting and informative events. The first event held was the CAS Amazing Race where student teams were given clues leading to multiple CAS buildings and other locations around campus. participants received CAS swag and everyone who participated was entered into a raffle. The next event was a CAS student mixer, with faculty, staff and advisors in attendance to answer any questions and provide resources. National Bad Joke Day was also hosted by CAS for Welcome Week 2023. Students told us their ‘bad’ jokes that were then posted to the official CAS Instagram for voting.  

CAS Amazing Race


Female student doing the coke and mentos stage of the Amazing Race event


Students who competed in the CAS Amazing Race worked as teams to solve clues that led to locations around campus. The first location was Paul Miller, which houses the School of Media and Strategic Communications. There they had to follow CAS on social media before getting their next clue. The next stop in the race was the Bartlett School for the Visual Arts. Here students had to paint a rock or wood to gain the next clue. The students then went to the Noble Research Center where they had to either see the reaction between Mentos and Coke or make a stress ball. After completing the final challenges, students received a clue that led them to LSE 109 where they could mingle, get a snack, and receive some CAS swag before going on with the rest of their day. Each student who participated also had their name entered into a raffle for more CAS swag and AirPods! 


CAS Student MixerStudents at the CAS student mixer

The 2023 CAS Student Mixer, which was held in LSE 109, was a great opportunity for students to get to know the faculty and staff that work within CAS, as well as to learn about the Center for Sovereign Nations and the Center for Africana Studies . Students were encouraged to ask questions, eat snacks and grab a CAS T-shirt. CAS advisors, career services representatives, and other staff from all parts of campus were present, along with the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and several faculty members from the colleges 24 departments.

National Bad Joke Day

Students at the CAS Recruitment Center

Students who participated went to LSE 109 to give us their best “bad” joke! The jokes were posted on CAS’s social media, where followers voted for their favorite. The winner of the Instagram poll received some CAS swag and Kicker headphones. 




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