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Department of Computer Science



  • Mar 2024: Our paper got accepted in IEEE SmartNets 2024 conference.
  • Jan 2024: Congraulations Gideon. Our paper got accepted in IEEE CCWC 2024 conference.


  • Nov 2023: Congraulations Abinash. Our paper got accepted in IEEE WPMC 2023 conference.
  • Oct 2023: Our paper got accepted in IEEE CCNC 2024 conference.
  • Sep 2023: Congraulations Abinash. Our paper got accepted in IEEE UEMCON 2023 conference.
  • Sep 2023: Our paper got accepted in VTC Fall 23 conference.
  • Sep 2023: Serving as the Guest Editor in Sensors Journal.
  • Aug 2023: Serving as the Editor in Journal of Networks and Computer Applications.
  • Aug 2023: Congraulations Abinash. Our paper got accepted in IEEE IPCCC 2023 conference.
  • Jul 2023: Delivered a keynote in Oklahoma Transportation Research Day organized by the Oklahoma Department of Transportation.
  • Jul 2023: Morton Thomas joins the lab for BS Honors Thesis.
  • Jul 2023: Serving in the program committee of AI-Enhanced Green Communications for Smart Cities workshop.
  • Jun 2023: Received grant from Oklahoma Department of Transportation.
  • Jun 2023: Congratulations, Mohammed Suratwala for completing the MS degree.
  • Jan 2023: Adele Gideon joins the lab for PhD.


  • Nov 2022: Congratulations Abinash for passing the diagnostic exam.
  • Sep 2022: Reece Harrel joins the lab for BS Honors program.
  • Aug 2022: Mohammed Suratwala joins the lab for MS.
  • Aug 2022: Abinash Borah joins the lab for PhD.