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Department of Computer Science


Computer Science Department's Outstanding Senior

The Outstanding Senior for 2021-2022 is Nathan Baker, we congratulate you on your hard work!  

Nathan Baker Senior Awards

The Outstanding Senior for 2020-2021 is Luke Roznovsky, we congratulate you on your hard work!  

student won award

Luke Roznovsky receiving his award.

Department of Computer Science's outstanding Senior for 2020-2021.


Professor Cecil has received the 2020 Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM), which is administered by the US White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). In 2020, Cecil is one of the 15 PAESMEM recipients.

Cecil been working with psychologists in developing informal STEM learning environments using Virtual Reality to encourage K-12 students including autistic children towards STEM programs and careers. He has also pioneered the creation of Virtual Learning Environments for teaching robotics and emerging topics to both undergraduate and graduate students using domains such as NASA’s Moon Mission. His work has been funded by NSF, NASA, OCAST and other agencies.

Additional information can be found here:

Info on Presidental Excellence Award

Dr. Cecil's award page

dr. akbas headshot

Dr. Akbas receives FY 21 ASR+1 and Grace hopper faculty scholar 2019

Dr. Akbas’ broad research areas are data mining and machine learning. Specifically, with her group in Data engineering Lab (DeLab), she works on graph (network) mining, text mining, and social network analysis. One aspect of her research is developing novel effective and efficient graph processing methods. Another aspect is to conduct biomedical knowledge mining to track public health issues in social networks.

Because of the quick growth of technology and the vast amount of data at entirely new scales and complexity-levels, the field needs new tools to face challenges in analyzing big data relevant to a wide range of domains. Her work on developing new graph compression and embedding methods in graph mining to expand large graphs for better management, querying, and display is critical to find meaningful patterns in the enormous size of real-world networks. Dr. Akbas also focuses on developing novel graph and text mining methods to extrapolate useful information from social media data. Her goal is to combat different public health problems, such as opioid addiction and Covid-19, to help government officials and health administrators with providing timely and useful information.

dr. aakur

Dr. Aakur was awarded a $1M NSF grant as part of a multi-university research project

CSE faculty Dr. Aakur is part of a multi-university collaborative project awarded a $1M National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to carry on fundamental research for the project entitled “Collaborative Research: RI:Medium: Understanding Events from Streaming Video - Joint Deep and Graph Representations, Commonsense Priors, and Predictive Learning". 

This multi-university collaborative project totaling $1M includes The University of South Florida, Florida State University, and Oklahoma State University. Dr. Aakur will work with Professor Sudeep Sarkar and Professor Anuj Srivastava in this four-year collaboration and lead the effort at OSU.

The goal of this proposed study is to formulate a computer vision-based event understanding algorithm that operates in a self-supervised, streaming fashion. The algorithm will predict and detect old and new events, learn to build hierarchical event representations, all in the context of a prior knowledge-base that is updated over time. The intent is to generate interpretations of an event that go beyond what is seen, rather than just recognition. This research pushes the frontier of computer vision by coupling the self-supervised learning process with prior knowledge, moving the field towards open-world algorithms, and needing little or no supervision.

Accelerating Research Discoveries with GPU-enabled Computing

Funder: Oklahoma State University’s Core Facility Support Program

Amount: $150,000

Duration: Dec 13, 2019 – Dec 31, 2020

Lead: Dr. Thanh Thieu  and  Dr. Sathya Aakur Narasimhan

This award equips 16 NVIDIA RTX6000 GPUs to be hosted at OSU’s HPCC.

Dr. Rittika

Dr. Rittika Shamsuddin received the following awards:

  • Fall 2019 President's Fellows Funding
  • FY21 The Arts & Sciences Summer Research and Supplemental Travel
  • Grace Hopper Faculty Scholar, 2020

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Computer Science awarded grant to help with COVID-19 response


The National Science Foundation (NSF) recently awarded OSU’s Department of Computer Science a Rapid Response Research (RAPID) grant of more than $100,000 to develop virtual reality-based training simulators for COVID-19 first responders. Computer science professor Dr. J. Cecil, who is leading the project, explained that the proposal was approved by NSF in a matter of weeks—a process that can typically take at least six months.

cas awards

Spring 2020 CAS Awards

Colton Fike, Kayla Walkup, and Brandon Shearrer.


Computer Science Outstanding Seniors of 2020

Colton Fike - Top CS Senior

Colton Fike - Top CS Senior


Kayla Walkup - CS Department Service Award

Kayla Walkup - CS Department Service Award


CAS Top Junior of 2020

Brandon Shearrer - CAS Top Junior

Brandon Shearrer - CAS Top Junior

2018-19 OSU Department of Computer Science's Outstanding Senior


 Ahmad Tashfeen receiving his award...

 Ahmad Tashfeen receiving his award....


Meet Ahmad...

Ahmad Tashfeen will be graduating in May 2019 with Bachelor of Science degrees in Computer Science and Mathematics with honors. Tashfeen was born in Lahore, Pakistan and has been in the United State since 2013. He has been a US citizen for three months.

As president of OSU-OKC’s Student Government Association, Tashfeen represented OSU-OKC in the Oklahoma Student Government Association’s annual meeting at the Oklahoma State Capitol. He has been an essential Supplemental Instruction leader for Computer Science I and Computer Science II. Tashfeen’s research includes analysis of a safe noise level in a quantum key exchange protocol. He is grateful for Dr. Crick’s assistance throughout his education at OSU and for Dr. Crick’s open-door policy. Tashfeen was an intern at Paycom as a software developer in Summer 2018 and looks forward to attending OU’s graduate Computer Science program.


Ahmad Acknowledgments:

ahmedAhmad Tashfeen would like to acknowledge his mother, Irsa Ghazal, who gave him support and encouragement to pursue higher education, and to broaden his perspective so he could be a positive contribution to the community.

Tashfeen’s advice to his peers is do not be confined in comfort zones but expect more of yourself than you think you are capable of. And, even in your comfort zone, have sense of academic curiosity. To quote Descartes, “If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.”

scholarship award

Computer Scholarship Awards

Awarded Scholarships:

  • Nathaniel Zimmer, Computer Science Endowed Scholarship
  • David Richard Severns, Computer Science Endowed Scholarship
  • Heather Heon, Sharon L. Daniel Scholarship

Future Scholarship Recipients:

  • Samuel Wood (Computer Science Endowed Scholarship)
  • Andrew Bevelhymer and Lauren Wong (Devon Scholarship)
  • Tao Chen, Weiqi Cui, and Avinash Gupta (Fisher Scholarship) 


Heather Heon

The Department of Computer Science congratulates all of the 2019-20 scholarship awardees.


health award

Students Win Prize for Health Data Innovation

Our Computer Science PhD students Ashwin Viswanathan and Goutam Mylavarapu participated in the OSU Center for Health Sciences Innovation Health Data shootout from February 20 - March 14, 2018 and secured a 3rd place finish for their model predicting and improving patient care for people afflicted by Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Congratulations to Ashwin and Goutam!


dr. kmg and student presentationComputer Science Master Research Poster Presentations.

Computer Science Master Research Poster Presentations presented their cutting edge projects to the Faculty and Reu Directors. The group research included 10 students from the College of Computer Science. All the research was done independently, under the mentorship of faculty and graduate assistants, participation and research discussions and forums, and present their findings to a specific group of the Computer Science Department. For more information look into our REU Program Page.

master presentation