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Department of Computer Science

REU Mentors

Dr. Christopher Crick

crick headshot(Co-PI), was the PI of the previous REU Site program in Big Data Analytics during 2016-2019. He is currently the recipient of two NSF grants to study human-robot teamwork in the application areas of construction equipment and unmanned aerial vehicles. He has published numerous refereed papers in the areas of cognitive science, robotics, computer vision, machine learning, and big data. He has advised two dozen graduate students and involved nearly as many undergrads, including underrepresented minority students in various aspects of his work.

Dr. Cong Pu Dr. Cong Pu received Ph.D. and M.S. in Computer Science degrees from dr. pu headshotTexas Tech University, USA, and B.S. in Computer Science and Technology degree from Zhengzhou University, China. His primary research interests include network security, data privacy, applied cryptography, wireless networking, and mobile computing.

Dr. Rittika Shamsuddin has been working in the fields of computer science, biology, shamsuddinand medicine to develop explainable algorithms and experiments in healthcare. She also mentored various graduate and undergraduate students during her graduate years at the University of Texas at Dallas, and as an Assistant Professor at OSU. She has published multiple peer-reviewed papers and was awarded a grant to develop a new programming course aimed at students who have never programmed before.


Dr. Arunkumar Bagavathi has research focus on data mining, network science, knowledge arundiscovery, machine learning, social network analysis, computational social science, and bioinformatics. He has published numerous refereed papers at conferences and journals. He is mentoring 1 undergraduate student and 4 graduate students on topics like graph representation learning, recommender systems, and genome classification. His lab often collaborates with researchers of various domains like computer vision, parallel computing, graph theory, veterinary medicine, and sociology.


Dr. Sharmin Jahan  dr. jahan headshot

Dr. Sharmin Jahan’s research focuses on Information Security, Self-Protecting systems, and IoT Security. Now she is exploring the application of machine learning model to enhance security awareness in the autonomous system. She has published numerous pair-reviewed papers at conferences and journals. She has collaborated with various graduate students during her graduate years at the University of Tulsa. As an Assistant Professor at Oklahoma State University, she has mentored creative component students to complete their master’s projects.