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Department of Computer Science

REU Application

Deadline: March 11, 2022

The program will be held on-site at the Oklahoma State University during Summer 2022.


  • Undergraduate students majoring in a science or engineering discipline. High school graduates who have been accepted at an undergraduate institution but who have not yet started their undergraduate study are also eligible to participate.
  • US citizen or permanent resident
  • Available full-time during the program

Application steps (Please complete all steps to be considered)

  1. Fill out the common application form.
  2. Send an email with an attached SINGLE PDF file with all the documents from below.
  3. One-page Resume.
  4. One-page (maximum) statement of interests and expectations, why you can be an exceptional candidate, the career goals and research interests. Please also include 1 or 2 potential projects you would be interested in pursuing a project from our projects.
  5. Unofficial transcript (Official transcript will be requested from accepted students).
  6. Make all the following documents ONE SINGLE PDF file using this naming convention: LastnameFirstname.pdf and send email to Do NOT send multiple files. Do not email it to Dr. Crick.
  7. Two References from two recommenders (ask them first!), who are willing to write a recommendation letter on your behalf. These should be people who mentored or taught you in an academic setting, preferably related to computing.
  8. Recommendations should be named as LastNameFirstName_Recommendation_recommender.pdf
  9. Letters should be sent via email from recommenders to


  • Selections will be based on a combination of research interests, academic qualifications, and faculty recommendations. We will likely start contacting selected applicants on a rolling basis after March 1st; please be patient! :) 
  • Proof of U.S. citizenship or permanent residence will be required if selected.
  • Women, minorities, and students from "undergraduate" institutions are especially encouraged to apply. 
  • For questions and further info please contact the-REU site coordinators.