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Department of Computer Science

Available Projects for RET 2025

Research Experiences in Big Data and Machine/Deep Learning for OK STEM Teachers.

Research Projects Overview


Project 1 (P1): Enhancing Road Safety Through Secure Vehicular Networks

Categories: Vehicular Networks, Network Security

Overview: With over 42,000 traffic-related fatalities in the U.S. in 2022, vehicular networks offer a potential solution by providing real-time traffic information. However, their security is a critical challenge. This project focuses on combating false information attacks within vehicular networks through innovative security techniques.

Research Goals:

  1. Develop techniques to detect and mitigate false information attacks.
  2. Evaluate the efficiency and accuracy of these techniques. Teacher Involvement: Educators will explore vehicular network architecture, security challenges, and network simulators for hands-on learning.
  3. Data Source: Public VeReMi dataset on Kaggle.


Project 2 (P2): Understanding Social Media Polarization Through Information Cascades

Categories: Data Mining, Network Science, Machine Learning

Overview: Social media fuels polarized opinions, influencing public responses to major events like COVID-19. This project maps and quantifies political bias within news propagation networks.

Research Goals:

  1. Identify information networks using social media response data.
  2. Characterize polarization and predict its evolution. Teacher Involvement: Hands-on training in social media analysis, multimodal data analytics, and machine learning.
  3. Data Source: Reddit, Twitter, and datasets.


Project 3 (P3): Soil Moisture Prediction Using Smartphone Images

Categories: Digital Image Processing, AI for Agriculture

Overview: Farmers lack site-specific soil moisture prediction tools. This project develops a deep learning model to estimate soil moisture levels from smartphone images.

Research Goals:

  1. Create models that assess soil moisture from photographs.
  2. Improve drought prediction and optimize irrigation schedules. Teacher Involvement: Hands-on experience with machine learning techniques, including object detection and image classification.
  3. Data Source: Agricultural datasets from collaborating researchers.


Project 4 (P4): Mitigating Echo Chambers in Online Social Media

Categories: Natural Language Processing, Text Generation

Overview: Existing summarization tools fail to neutralize political bias in online discussions. This project develops AI-driven summaries that provide unbiased perspectives.

Research Goals:

  1. Develop unsupervised models to extract unbiased narratives from online debates.
  2. Analyze user perception and prior exposure to discussions. Teacher Involvement: Training in sentiment analysis, AI-based summarization, and NLP techniques.
  3. Data Source: Twitter, Reddit, and discussions.


Project 5 (P5): Parallel AI-Based Security for Vehicular Networks

Categories: Vehicular Network Security, GPU Computing, Deep Learning

Overview: This project explores the application of GPU-based parallel computing to enhance vehicular network security using machine learning techniques.

Research Goals:

  1. Identify ML/DL-based solutions suitable for GPU parallelization.
  2. Implement and evaluate security solutions using GPUs. Teacher Involvement: Hands-on experience in GPU-based machine learning applications and parallel computing.
  3. Data Source: Generated using the SUMO simulator.


Project 6 (P6): Detecting False Information Collusion in Vehicular Networks

Categories: Vehicular Network Security, Machine Learning

Overview: Malicious vehicles can coordinate to spread false information. This project develops unsupervised ML techniques to detect and mitigate such attacks.

Research Goals:

  1. Design ML models for detecting collusive false information attacks.
  2. Evaluate detection accuracy and efficiency. Teacher Involvement: Training in unsupervised ML techniques and network security simulations.
  3. Data Source: DSRC Vehicle Communications dataset from the UCI repository.


Project 7 (P7): ML-Based Flooding Attack Detection in IoD Systems

Categories: Security, Networking, Machine Learning

Overview: The Internet of Drones (IoD) faces security threats from malicious flooding attacks. This project aims to develop AI and blockchain-based solutions to detect and mitigate these attacks.

Research Goals:

  1. Investigate flooding attack impacts on IoD.
  2. Develop ML and blockchain-based detection methods. Teacher Involvement: Training in cybersecurity fundamentals and network simulations.
  3. Data Source: IoD system traces.


Project 8 (P8): Automated Cyber Threat Intelligence Extraction Using XAI

Categories: Autonomous Systems, Cybersecurity, Explainable AI

Overview: Autonomous systems require real-time cybersecurity strategies. This project leverages Explainable AI (XAI) to automate cyber threat intelligence (CTI) extraction.

Research Goals:

  1. Develop ML models for extracting CTI from predicted threats.
  2. Structure CTI using the STIX framework. Teacher Involvement: Training in AI-based security analysis and cyber threat intelligence.
  3. Data Source: IIoT attack datasets from public repositories.


Project 9 (P9): Anomaly Detection in Smart Agriculture

Categories: Smart Agriculture, AI, Anomaly Detection

Overview: IoT-driven smart agriculture is vulnerable to cyber threats. This project uses AI techniques to detect anomalies in farming data.

Research Goals:

  1. Develop ML models to identify security threats in smart agriculture.
  2. Utilize XAI methods to improve transparency in anomaly detection. Teacher Involvement: Hands-on experience in AI-driven security applications.
  3. Data Source: IoT botnet datasets from UNSW Science repository.


Project Alignment with Oklahoma Academic Standards for CS (High School)

PROJECTS P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12
Collection, Visualization, Transformation Level 1 and 2 - L1/L2.DA.CVT   X X X           X X  
Culture: Level 1 - L1.IC.CU. X       X X       X   X
Cybersecurity: Level 1 - L1.N1.CY. X       X X X X X     X
Algorithms: Level 2 - L2.AP. A.             X     X    
Inference & Models: Level 2 - L2.DA.IM X X X X X X       X X  
Modularity: Level 1 and 2- L1/L2.AP.M                   X X  

Oklahoma Academic Standards Computer Science