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Major in English at OSU

Discover the language, literature, and film of the world
The Department of English offers students the skills to read critically, think widely, and communicate persuasively. As an English major, you will enjoy small class sizes in lecture and discussion courses, have the opportunity to participate in writers’ workshops and internships, and the ability to choose from a wide array of course offerings like Women’s Literature, Fantasy Fiction, History of Film, Teaching English as a Second Language, Style and Editing, Professional Writing, and Fiction Writing.

Connect With Your Community

Students studying together on laptops

Student Organizations

Our vibrant student organizations offer students opportunities for academic and professional development as well as social interaction.

Creative Writers Association (CWA) TESLing Student Association (TESLing) Friends of Oklahoma Language Sciences (FOOLS) Exciterbulb film series
7 people sit in front Edmon Low Library looking at their devices


Students in the English department work with nationally and internationally recognized faculty researching and publishing at the top of their fields.

Meet the faculty Meet the staff
advisor talking to student


A full-time advisor, Clarissa Bonner, is available for personal assistance, Email Clarissa or visit her at 209 Morrill Hall. Each CAS freshman also starts their OSU career with a Freshman advisor. Connect with your freshman advisor at STAR.

Email Clarissa Schedule an appointment at STAR CAS Freshman Advising

Achieve Real Experience 

Succeed With Support


English Department ScholarshipsThe English Department offers numerous scholarships for undergraduate and graduate students, including research and travel grants. College of Arts and Sciences ScholarshipsScholar Development Scholarships

Career Services

Career Services can help students navigate career preparations, revise their job materials, and find career and internship opportunities. 

The Writing Center

The writing center helps students of all levels understand and practice many strategies effective writers use—from brainstorming to drafting to editing techniques. Students can also work at the Writing Center as a consultant. 


Find dynamic internships at OSU and the surrounding area which will help you get experience while also earning credit toward your degree.


Contact Clarissa Bonner
209 Morrill Hall
Department of English
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078