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04/07/2020 — Pulsed Laser Deposition Chamber — New Neocera Pioneer 180 pulsed laser deposition tool has arrived!


11/25/2019 — Eric Werline joins the group — Eric Werline has joined the group as an undergraduate researcher!


10/24/2019 — Beamtime at 33BM of Argonne National Laboratory Dec. 14-17 — 4 days of experiments at 33BM beamline scheduled. We will be investigating the structure of heterostructures of iridates and titanates to determine structural order and search for possible topological polar structures. This will be done with synchrotron x-ray diffraction using 2D and 3D mapping of reciprocal space to find superstructure features corresponding to these emergent orders. See recent work by our collaborators at UC Berkeley for more details.


09/20/2019 — Derrick Allen joins group — Derrick Allen has joined the group as an undergraduate researcher!


08/22/2019 — Proposed 33-BM-C experiment awarded beamtime — Our proposal for beamtime at 33-BM-C at the Advanced Photon Source of Argonne National Laboratory was awarded 6 days of beamtime to conduct our experiments. This beamtime will be conducted in collaboration with Jian Liu's group at the University of Tennessee and Lane Martin's group at the University of California, Berkeley.


08/22/2019 — Openings — We currently have openings for graduate and undergraduate students. Contact me for more information.