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OSU QuarkNet

QuarkNet is a long-term, research-based teacher professional development program jointly funded by the National Science Foundation and the US Department of Energy. It offers research experiences for teachers and students through workshops and Masterclasses. Together, teachers and students learn how the universe began, what are the basic forces of nature, what are the origins of mass, and how the scientists work to solve these problems. Visit the QuarkNet project website.

QuarkNet Summer Workshop

Each summer OSU and OU take turns hosting a one-week QuarkNet summer workshop for Oklahoma high school science teachers.  In these workshops, teachers learn the basics of particle physics and related research at the worlds most advanced laboratories, as well as practial activities and exerciese that can be incorporated into their classrooms.  If you are interested in participating in a QuarkNet summer workshop, please contact Dr. Joe Haley at OSU and Dr. John Stupak at OU.


Mike Strauss' QuarkNet materials



  • 2022 at OSU: July 18-21
  • 2021 at OU: July 20-22
  • 2020 at OSU: July 29-31
  • 2019 at OU: July 17-19
  • 2018 at OSU: July 24-27
  • 2017 at OU: July 10-14
  • 2016 at OSU: June 13-17, LIGO e-Lab webpage
  • 2015 at OU: June 8-12
  • 2014 at OSU: June 16-20
  • 2013 at OSU: July 22-26

Email Dr. Haley if you want to be added to the email list for future announcements.

ATLAS Masterclass

ATLAS Masterclasses are a one-day, hands-on, crash-course in experimental particle physics for high school students.  Students learn about particle physics in the morning and then in the afternoon they analyze actual collisions from the ATLAS detector.  The day ends with a video conference with Fermilab in which the students present the results of their analysis.

Dr. Joe Haley is the contact for OSU's ATLAS Masterclass.



  • 2023: March 3, 25, and 31
  • 2022: March 24, April 30
  • 2020-2021: (canceled due to COVID-19)
  • 2019: March 9, 26, and April 13
  • 2018: March 15, April 7
  • 2017: March 24, April 6, April 8
  • 2016: Feb. 26, March 11
  • 2014: March 14

Additional Information
