The Department of Physics at Oklahoma State University invites applications for the following scholarships:
- Earl A. Lafon
- Daniel S. Stevens
- William A. Sibley
- Paul A. Westhaus
- Elton Kohnke Scholarships
- Friends of the Observatory Scholarships
The initial awards for the Stevens, Lafon and Westhaus Physics Scholarships can be made annually to outstanding students majoring in physics. These scholarship awards are renewable for up to four years. The Kohnke Physics Scholarship awards are for outstanding juniors and seniors. Friends of the Observatory Scholarships recognize quality work done by students in ASTR 4010 (although graduate students conducting tesis research may also be considered). Recipients are expected to maintain an overall GPA at OSU of 3.0, and to maintain full-time student status at OSU with physics as the primary major.
The physics scholarship recipients will also be eligible for additional awards through the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid, such as the Oklahoma State Regents Scholarships and University Presidential Scholarships. As with all physics majors, the recipients will have the opportunity to participate in the Freshman Research Scholars program. Students participating in this program will be guided by a physics faculty mentor while working on a research project, and receive an additional stipend.
Current Students
Currently enrolled physics majors may apply for these scholarships by completing the Scholarship Application PDF form.
Current students should submit application materials and request that letters of reference be sent to:
Physics Scholarship Committee
c/o Dr. David McIlroy
Department of Physics
145 Physical Science Building
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078
Scholarship Recipients
Finalists for the physics scholarships will be chosen on the basis of their academic achievements and potential for pursuing an undergraduate degree in physics. The physics scholarship recipients will be recognized at the Physics Awards Banquet in April.
Incoming Freshman
Incoming students may apply for both admission to the university and all scholarships through the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.