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Research Team

John Hodge headshot

John Hodge, Ph.D. Student
Working on genetic control of branching in Setaria, using mapping populations, genetic mutants, and cool digital phenotyping programs that he creates.







Hao Hu headshot


Hao Hu, Post-Doctoral Student

Working on genetic control of abscission zone formation in Cenchrus and Sorghum, flowering time in Setaria, and transcriptomics of hydroxy fatty acid metabolism in Paysonia.






Nikee Shrestha headshot


Nikee Shrestha, M.S. Student

Working on the the genetics of domestication in pearl millet (Cenchrusamericanus).








Kathy Toll headshot


Kathy Toll, Post-Doctoral Student

Working on genetic control and photoperiod effects on flowering time in Setaria populations across North America.




Research Team Alumni

  • Lupita Borja, M.S. Student
  • Yisel Carrillo, M.S. Student
  • Jake Long, M.S. Student
  • Michael Malahy, M.S. Student
  • Margarita Mauro-Herrera, Post-Doctoral Student
  • John Stewart, Post-Doctoral Student
  • Armond Swrift, M.S. Student