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StILI-SiP Project

The Stillwater Intensive Longitudinal Investigation on Self-Regulation in Preschoolers (StILI-SiP) project aims to study how ethnic-racial minority preschoolers' self-regulation changes daily in the family contexts, and how parental well-being and parenting behavior can impact daily self-regulation. The study also aims to test the validity of daily parental report surveys and the feasibility of collecting daily data for an extended period (100 days). We are currently recruiting ethnic-racial minority families with preschoolers (3-5 years old). If you are interested, please use this link to sign up!


Within-Person Structure of Executive Functions in Adolescents

Most of existing research on the structure of executive functions is based on between-person differences. However, within-person variability may function in a very different way from between-person differences. Utilizing existing data from an online cognitive game platform, we are conducting a secondary data analysis on the within-person structure of executive functions.

Collaboration Projects

Center for Integrative Research on Childhood Adversity

The long-term goal of the Center for Integrative Research on Childhood Adversity (CIRCA) is the development of more effective and sustainable prevention and intervention strategies to interrupt the cycle of generational trauma and toxic stress. Read more about CIRCA.



The Dallas Preschool Readiness Project

The Dallas Preschool Readiness Project (DPReP) aims to examine the development of behavioral self-regulation between 2½ and first-grade years. The project also aims to understand how individual differences are associated with measurable differences in academic skills. In the Spring of 2017, the team started to continue the assessment of our families into the middle school years. Read more about DPReP.


Measures and Methods across the Developmental Continuum Project

The Science of Learning and Development (SoLD) Measures and Methods across the Developmental Continuum (MMDC) project, funded by the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, is exploring the individual (idiographic) components of developmental trajectories among Grade K-12 students. Read more about MMDC.