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Student Diversity Committee

Who We Are

The Student Diversity Committee (SDC) of the Department of Psychology seeks to create a welcoming, equitable, and inclusive environment that facilitates growth for all students, faculty, and staff. We view diversity, equity, and inclusion as central values to our mission and aspire to cultivate and support diversity in all forms with respect to personnel, research, teaching, service, and departmental climate. Through the collaborative efforts of faculty and student members, we are committed to supporting and promoting the safety, well-being, and success of all in our community.


As psychologists in training, we are the future thought leaders of our field. Experimental and clinical psychology examine the intricacies of human cognition and behavior, and it would be remiss to not receive training in the examination of power and privilege. All students graduating from the psychology department will hold future leadership positions as professors, clinicians, administrators or policymakers, and thus, it is crucial that our training include high standards of holistic personal and professional development, including training on anti-racism, advocacy and communication skills. We propose that the department adopt and implement an anti-racism curriculum as well as long-term accountability processes.

Our Goals

We aspire to be national leaders in diversity initiatives and recognize that there is much work to be done. Our work will be iterative and ongoing and our approach informed by humility. Current departmental priorities are to:


  • Increase representation and support of diverse faculty, students, and staff.

  • Develop a multicultural climate and curriculum.

  • Increase diversity visibility in communication and events.

To accomplish these objectives, SDC is comprised of the following three sub-committees:


  • Curriculum & Training

  • Colloquia, Climate & Events

  • Coalition & Communications

It is recognized that some of these initiatives overlap with other committees (i.e., Psychology Graduate Student Association), this is not to replace those committees but to form a collaborative effort with those committees.


Curriculum and Training

  • This group is in charge of creating plans to integrate anti-racist trainings into the departmental curriculums for both Experimental and Clinical classes and objectives.

  • Clinical Representative- focus on clinical curriculum for both clinical classes but also training experiences in the PSC.

    • Coordination with Assistant Directors of the PSC.

  • Experimental representative: focus on improving experimental curriculum for experimental research and classes.

  • Ideally, representatives would attend DAC, CTC. ETC meetings or coordinate with appropriate PGSA representatives.

  • Potentially look for funding sources for diverse training experiences and diversity in research awards.

Colloquia, Climate and Events

  • This group is in charge of planning at least 1 diversity seminar or colloquia a semester and coordinating with current colloquia planners.

  • Ensures that diversity is a consideration even for colloquium that are not explicitly diverse in nature (i.e. speakers are prepared to answer questions about how they aim to apply their research to diverse settings).

  • Cultivate retention efforts to ensure health, success, and safety of marginalized students.

  • Plan with Psychology Graduate Student Association’s Social Chair to coordinate diversity activities.

  • Creating an anonymous way that people can submit their diversity concerns if they don't feel comfortable sharing with the whole group.

Coalition and Communications

  • This group aims to connect with PDSP, American Indians Into Psychology, ABPsi to foster connection to our undergraduate diverse students through attendance of meetings, panels, and mentoring.

  • Connect with other student diversity groups on campus to learn about other diversity issues that may be happening and how they have been solved.

  • Increasing awareness through social media platforms.

  • Coordinate with the philanthropy chair in Psychology Graduate Student Association to create an event to increase outreach, raise awareness, and fundraise for BIPOC communities seeking mental health services at the PSC or other local clinics.