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Dr. Yu's Lab

The Self-Regulation Development in Ecological Dynamic Systems (SeEDS) Lab focuses on self-regulation and socioemotional development among children from diverse backgrounds. Our lab is interested in examining how fluctuation and growth in self-regulation are related to parenting and other factors in multi-layered ecological systems, such as families and classrooms. We are particularly interested in applying intensive longitudinal methods, such as daily diary, to capture the dynamic nature of self-regulation and the dynamic person-context interaction.


Join the Lab

Undergraduate Students

Opportunities to involve in Research in SeEDS Lab:

  • Recruiting and screening participants
  • Monitoring data collection on REDCap
  • Literature search and review
  • Data cleaning and management
  • Leading and collaborating on research projects
  • Presenting research results in conferences

Undergraduate students should have an interest in research, timely communication, problem-solving skills, and be able to work independently. Preference will be given to students who meet the above requirements and are willing to commit to SeEDS lab for two semesters. Students from underrepresented backgrounds and first-generation college students are encouraged to apply. Please click here to fill out the application.


Graduate Students

If you are interested in joining the lab as a graduate student, please email your CV or resume to Dr. Dian Yu.