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Bailey Scholarship

The Bailey Family Memorial Trust was established on October 24, 1982, by J.B. Bailey and his brother Richard E. Bailey (both now deceased) in memory of Ida L. Davis and Lalla D. Bailey, their grandmother and mother, respectively. J.B. Bailey, a Tulsa attorney, was an OSU graduate. Richard E. Bailey was a long-time professor of humanities at OSU and founder of the first study abroad program in OSU's College of Arts and Sciences.

Bailey Scholarhip Honorees

“The Bailey Family Memorial Scholarship has allowed me to gain confidence in both the French language and in myself. The thought of hopping on a plane headed to another continent by myself with only a backpack used to intimidate me, but now I find myself looking forward to the challenges brought on by the differences in language and culture.”

- Claire Thomas (France), 2017 Bailey Scholar


About the Program

To provide scholarship support for full-time OSU students, regardless of their major field of study, to study the liberal arts at a recognized university outside of the U.S. Since the first awards were made for the 1985-86 academic year, nearly two million dollars has been expended from the trust, allowing over two hundred students to study in 34 different countries.

Selection Criteria

  • The applicant must be a full-time OSU student interested in the study of liberal arts abroad.
  • Preference will be given to juniors and seniors.
  • Applicants must write an essay about their plans to study abroad.
  • A basic familiarity with the appropriate language (based on grades or a foreign language instructor's assessment) is required.
  • Students must have an excellent academic record.

Application Process

  • Research study abroad programs with the assistance of the OSU Study Abroad Office (056 Student Union) or complete research independently.
  • On-line application will be available beginning November 5, 2024.
  • Application deadline on Tuesday, February 21, 2025.

Application Requirements

  • Tentative acceptance at the proposed university.
  • Estimated cost of the proposed program.
  • Written essay describing the chosen study abroad program, as detailed on the application form.
  • Official transcripts for any coursework not included in OSU grade report. Bailey coordinator will access OSU grade reports online.
  • Three (3) letters of reference.

Selection Process

  • The Bailey Scholarship Selection Committee, comprised of three (3) OSU faculty members, reviews the completed applications and offers interviews to selected applicants.
  • After the interview process is completed, the Committee decides which applicants from the interviewed group will be recommended for funding approval to the Bailey Fund Trustees.
  • Students who are recommended for funding must attend a luncheon with Mrs. Bailey and the Trustees to receive final approval.
  • After Study Abroad: Each recipient of the Bailey Scholarship is required to submit a written final report at the conclusion of his or her study abroad experience. A mid-term report is also required for full-year study abroad programs. These reports are forwarded directly to the Bailey Family and Trustees.