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Internship Awards

Application Deadline: Completed applications are due 5:00pm, April 1, 2020.

Henry Bellmon Leadership - Internship Program


For full-time Oklahoma State University undergraduates participating in a summer government internship in state or federal agencies, public interest, or lobbying organizations usually in Washington, D.C. or Oklahoma City.

Awards are approximately $2000 but may vary.

Don Nickles Fellows Program


For full-time Oklahoma State University undergraduate participating in an internship in Washington, D.C. for a national government agency/interest group or congressional office. Preference given to congressional internships. Must be classified as a sophomore or above with a minimum of 3.0 GPA at the time of the award. Must plan to attend OSU the following semester. Must be in good financial standing. Students with diverse academic and career interests are encouraged to apply.


Full-time OSU undergraduates who have been accepted for a summer internship that meets the specified requirements for the selected award. Applicants must have completed at least 12 hours at OSU prior to application and preference will be given to upperclassmen.


Use of Funds

Awards may be used for housing, travel, and living expenses. Funds are intended to help defray the costs associated with completing an internship rather than funding an internship in its entirety.


Selection Criteria

Students will be selected based on academic record, campus involvement, demonstration of character, values and work ethic as well as financial need as illustrated through a 500 - 700 word written essay, and three letters of recommendation. The focus of the essay should demonstrate the above selection criteria as well as how this internship fits with your career goals. Finalists may be interviewed.

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